Creating a template

To create a template, you want to go to the homepage and select "add template".

This will give you two options:

Default (YAML)

The default (YAML) option creates a template using:

  • YAML frontmatter for the cover image; and
  • YAML properties placed underneath.

This outputs a note something like this:


banner-image: ""
banner-icon: "🚘"
Description: A beautiful shiny sports car.
Colours: blue, black
Some information about this car.

Separated (YAML & Dataview)

The Separated option creates a template using:

  • YAML frontmatter for the cover image; and
  • Dataview-formatted properties underneath.

This outputs a note something like this:


banner-image: ""
banner-icon: "🚘"
Description:: A beautiful shiny sports car.
Colours:: #blue, #black

Some information about this car.