Property object

Property objects are retrieved using the props attribute.

These are used inside of templates.


Here's an example you might use while adding metadata to your page:

{% for prop in page.props %}
{{ }}: {{ prop.value }}
{% endfor %}

Here's an example setting specific locations for certain properties:

Name: {{ page.props['Name'].value }}
Amount: {{ page.props['Amount'].value }}
Tags: {{ page.props['Tags'].value }}

Property names pre-pended with back-slashes

Property names will output as closely as possible to how they are in Notion, though for some reason, certain characters aren't allowed at the beginning of YAML property names.

If this happens, the property name will be pre-pended with a backslash (\).

This happens with the following characters:

  • *
  • >
  • {
  • }
  • @
  • "
  • #

For example, original:

#Y@L@#: value


\#Y@L@#: value


A property object will always contain these attributes:

Attribute Type Returns
name String The property's name
value String A single string representing the property's value(s) (separated by ", " when multiple)
values List<String> A list of the property's value(s)
yaml String The property's YAML-formatted string (property-name: value)


A property object will always contain these methods:

Method Return Type Returns
get_name String The property's name
get_value String A single string representing the property's value(s) (separated by ", " when multiple)
get_values List<String> A list of the property's value(s)
get_yaml String The property's YAML-formatted string (property-name: value)

Filtering characters and words from property names

To filter characters and words from property names, you can use the filter_name parameter.

This works a little differently than simply replacing text characters, as it will filter the characters before any necessary YAML filtering is applied, such as pre-pending names with back-slashes.

For example:


This will filter out all asterisks, @ symbols, and hug face emojis.

This can also work with a list instead, so you can filter out longer strings as well:

prop.get_yaml(filter_name=['*', '@', '🤗', 'hello'])

This will filter out all asterisks, @ symbols, hug face emojis, and any 'hello' words.

By default, when the selects_as parameter is absent, Select, Status, and Multi-Select properties will simply return their values as strings.

To change how these values are rendered, you can use a selects_as parameter and set this to either "tags" or "links".

For example:


When used by other properties, this parameter is ignored.

Date Property Objects

For date properties that use single values (created time, last edited time), these dates can be accessed using:

Attribute Type Returns
value String The value_arrow formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss" (same as Obsidian default)
value_arrow Arrow Object The property's value (UTC) as an arrow object

For dates that have a start and/or an end value, these dates can be accessed using:

Attribute Type Returns
value String If property only has a start, "start", else "start -> end"
value_end String The value_end_arrow formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss" (same as Obsidian default)
value_end_arrow Arrow Object The property's end datetime (UTC) as an arrow object
value_start String The value_start_arrow formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss" (same as Obsidian default)
value_start_arrow Arrow Object The property's start datetime (UTC) as an arrow object

Formatting datetime properties using a different format

You are able to format datetime properties using the format method:

Created: {{ page.props['Created'].value_arrow.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm') }}

This YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format is part of the ISO 8601 standard. format() will accept any string which uses this standard. Refer to this format reference.

Getting datetime properties to return a datetime in a different timezone

By default, datetime properties are stored in Notion as UTC; this is useful if you're regularly switching timezone and want to always retrieve the same time relative to your own, though can be problematic if you want to import these times in your local timezone.

To resolve this, you can use the timezone parameter.

The timezone parameter effectively acts as an hour modifier, and is ignored in non-datetime properties.

For example, if you are from the US/Pacific (UTC-8) timezone, you can use this code:

{% for name, prop in page.props.items() %}
{{ prop.get_yaml(timezone=-8) }}
{% endfor %}

This changes all datetime properties to return a string 8 hours behind the UTC datetime.