Preparing your workspace for generation

Adding your workspace

  1. Go to the Jump Ship dashboard.
  2. Press the "add workspace" button.
  3. Login to Notion (if necessary).
  4. Click on the dropdown menu in the top right.
  5. Scroll down to find your workspace.
  6. Click on your workspace.
  7. Click on the 'Select Pages' button in the bottom right.
  8. Select the top checkbox to the left of your workspace name.*
  9. Click on the 'Allow access' button in the bottom right.

* If you would like to select and generate specific pages, use the search box in the top right corner and type in the name of this page. You can then select the checkbox next to this page.

Avoiding lost authorisation

Handling new top-level pages / databases

After already authorising your workspace, you may decide to create new top-level items in your workspace.

If you do this, and you're wanting to export your entire workspace, you want to make sure to add the new permissions for those items.

You can do this by clicking the "add workspace" button again and authorising those new items.

Handling new child pages / databases

After already authorising your workspace, you may decide to create new lower-level items in your workspace, for example, attached to pages and databases which are already authorised.

If this is the case, you do not need to re-authorise in this instance.

This is because these items will automatically inherit their parents' permissions.